Welcome! Welcome! Thank you for “attending” our virtual concert!
The American Guild of Organists exists to promote the organ and its music.
In light of the current impossibility of live performances we are pleased to
present a “virtual” concert, offered by the members of the Winchester Chapter (and a few friends) for your enjoyment.
Feel free to listen to the whole concert in one sitting…or several as your schedule permits.
Thank you, again for allowing us to share our love of these amazing instruments.
Ted Dix, organ -Christ Episcopal Church, Winchester, Va.
MP Möller, op. 11435, 1981 (Christoph Linde & Richard Howell)
Tonal revoicing/regulation by Taylor & Boody (Chris Bono), 2015 -2 manuals, 35 ranks (mechanical action)
Daniel Hannemann, organist
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Winchester
Allen Digital Organ, c. 2000, 3 manuals
Daniel Hannemann, organist
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Winchester
Allen Digital Organ, c. 2000, 3 manuals
Heather Ankerbrand, Organ
Front Royal Presbyterian Church, Front Royal, VA
Schantz, op. 2122, 1996 2 manuals, 31 ranks
Heather Ankerbrand, Organ
Front Royal Presbyterian Church, Front Royal, VA
Schantz, op. 2122, 1996 2 manuals, 31 ranks
Mark Lindgren, piano
Mark Snow, Trumpet
Steven Cooksey, Organ
St. James’ Episcopal Church, Leesburg, VA
EM Skinner/MP Möller, op. R-872, 1930/1974
2 manuals, 21 ranks
(permission to broadcast granted by Chuck Seipp)
Dana Carter, organ
Houston Memorial Organ, First UMC, Henderson, NC
Casavant Frères, op. 3124, 1971
3 manuals, 43 ranks
Ricky Gearhart, organ
Trinity Lutheran, Stephens City, VA
Organ Specs:
Estey Organ, Brattleboro Vermont
2 manuals, 12 ranks
Susan Ticknor, piano
Tom Mitts, organ
Grace Lutheran, Winchester, VA
Schantz, op. 2086, 1994
2 manuals, 28 ranks
Marilyn Shenenberger, piano
Richard McPherson, organ
Trinity Episcopal Church, Upperville, VA
Aeolian-Skinner, op. 1316, 1960 (Roy Perry)
Updated by Lawless-Johnson, 1996
Tonal revoking/regulation by Lawrence Trupiano & Bard Wickkiser, 2017-present
3 manuals, 55 ranks